Through repressing sex you can pervert the Energy but you cannot convert it.
Conversion comes as you become more silent, as your heart becomes more harmonious, as your mind becomes more and more peaceful.
As you start coming closer and closer to your being, to your very centre, a transformation that is not your doing happens on its own accord. The energy that you had known as sexual becomes your very spirituality. it is the same energy, just the direction has changed. it is not going downward, it to you is going to happen to every seeker-without expectation.
Hence your question is going to be everybody's question sooner or later. and whenever it happens, the partner who is left behind should not feel offended but blissful and happy that at least to his beloved, or to his friend, a beautiful experience is happening, and hope to join him or her as soon as possible.your effort should be to go deeper into the meditation so you can keep company with your partner, and you can go on dancing together toward the ultimate goal of life.
When you are deeply in love your mind ceases to be. there is no past;only the present moment becomes everything.when you are in love the present is the only time,the now is all-no past,no future.
If your LOVE is pure then there is need of physical touch....physical touch is just a way to express your love. love with a soul not with a body.
LOVE is simple...a true love does not belongs to a specific person or is for all. love should be pure.but if your love is for specific person or thing that is ATTACHMENT.
"When a man is Beautiful he has something of the feminine. when a woman is ugly she has something of the male. Beauty is feminine because it cannot be hard, it cannot be stone like. it can only be like the petals of a rose or a never try to prevent your feminine heart from taking possession of you."